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Is there an aspect of your life that stubbornly resists change?  Or, have you worked diligently on a particular issue, perhaps even to the point of thinking it is resolved, only to have it resurface or reappear?

PSYCH-K can help you make a quantum leap in your health and personal growth by assisting as you rewrite the software of your subconscious mind and improve your life.

Your life is a reflection of your beliefs, which can either support or sabotage you.  Your beliefs are the cumulative effect of life-long programming from your childhood, societal influences, personal decisions, and unwanted circumstances. 

Many times you are aware of negative or self-limiting beliefs, but often you are not.  PSYCH-K offers a set of simple, self-empowering techniques that allow you to access and change any beliefs or perceptions that may not be serving you.

PSYCH-K is a non-invasive, interactive process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind. 

It creates a receptive state of mind that drastically reduces resistance to change. 

At every point of the process, you are in charge of your thoughts and emotions, and you get to choose which beliefs to keep and which to replace. 

PSYCH-K has been proven to be stronger than affirmations, visualizations, will-power or positive thinking because the changes you choose are addressed in the subconscious versus the conscious mind.

The process works by increasing "cross talk" between the two brain hemispheres, resulting in an integrated, "whole-brained" state.  This state is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new positive beliefs that support your life and your goals.


PSYCH-K is effective with:

  • Self-esteem
  • Relationships
  • Grief and loss
  • Health and body
  • Spirituality
  • Personal Power
  • Prosperity

How PSYCH-K works:

The simple PSYCH-K process uses kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, to communicate with the subconscious mind. 

With distance healing sessions of PSYCH-K  it will be helpful if you have a basic confidence level in your ability to muscle test or self test aka using kinesiology. 

Muscle testing is easily learned and used universally by natural healing practitioners in many healing techniques.  Information is broadly available on learning how to muscle test yourself. 

Once limiting subconscious beliefs are uncovered, a process called "balancing" is used to rewrite the unwanted belief and replace it with your desired belief.

PSYCH-K does not involve revealing or rehashing the past, nor does it delve into the origins of a belief.  The process is not about looking backward.  Instead, it provides an effective way to experience accelerated personal growth by creating a new future.


Origins of PSYCH-K

Robert M. Williams, M.A., originated PSYCH-K in 1988 and is a co-host of workshops with colleague Dr. Bruce Lipton.  For additional information, please visit the PSYCH-K website at www.psych-k.com.


"Don't ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."  ~  Howard Thurman


"Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around." ~ Henry David Thoreau

"Change our thoughts and you'll change your world." ~ Gail Lynne Goodwin